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Bugs Bulletin: InstallShield Developer 7.0

[ MSI Engine | MSMs | InstallShield 12 and newer | InstallShield 11.5 | DevStudio 9.0 | IS Dev 8.0 | IS Dev 7.0 | IPWI 2.0 | ISWI 1.x | IS Pro 7.x | IS Pro 6.x | IS Pro 5.x ]

[ ISD 7.04 | ISD 7.03 | ISD 7.02 | ISD 7.01 | ISD 7.00 ]

Reporting a bug to InstallShield Software Corp.: If you suspect you discovered a bug in an InstallShield product, you can submit a bug report directly to InstallShield Software Corp. using the form at A support program is not needed for this. If InstallShield confirms the bug, please inform the webmaster so that it can be added to the Bugs Bulletin here on InstallSite.

InstallShield Developer 7.04

Latest Version: 7.0 with Service Pack 4 with Hofix 2002-10-23
Release Date: July 9, 2002 (English), August 22, 2002 (German), October 23, 2002 (Hotfix)
Download: Select Check for Updates from the Tools menu. The hotfix is also available from knowledge base article Q107359.
Release Notes: A list of enhancements, fixes and open issues is available at (English) and (German)
Installation Notes: If you have previously installed the beta version of ISD 7.04 you must uninstall it and clean all InstallShield directories before installing the release version. Updated language packs are available from the InstallShield download center. After installing ISD 7.04 use the Check for Updates function again to download additional merge modules.

[ Known Bugs | Other Known Issues ]

Known Bugs in ISD 7.04

ISDev IDE Randomly Crashes When Opening Script Files

An exception may randomly occur when selecting the InstallScript view in the InstallShield Developer IDE.
Try your luck at opening the files to import or edit. Or edit the files from outside the IDE.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a prblem in ISDev 7.04.
FIXED in ISDev 8.00
Created: 2002-10-11   InstallShield tracking number: 1-A4LFF

Error 1334 "The file ... cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file"

Running your setup may result in error 1334 "The file '[2]' cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file '[3]'. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package." This can happen in some cases when all of the following conditions are true for your project:
- your setup includes two or more files with the same file name
- these files are being referenced using dynamic file linking
- when creating the release you specified a Previous Package for patch optimization
The file name mentioned in the error message would be such a duplicate file, appended with a number.
This looks like the patch optimization process incorrectly matches file names for dynamically linked files.
In the Direct Editor, in the File table, modify the File.File value to avoid a clash between the statically linked file and the dynamically linked file, as detailed in this article.
Alternative workarounds:
Remove the Previous Package entry from the release settings. Note that this will reult in larger patch packages (msp).
Avoid dynamic linking.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in ISDev 7.04 and ISDev 8.00.
Created: 2002-10-05   Last update: 2002-10-11   InstallShield tracking number: 1-ADGW5

"The install script engine in this machine is older than the version required" After Installing Developer Hotfix

When running your setup users may get an error message "The install script engine in this machine is older than the version required to run this setup..." followed by "Error: -1603 Fatal error during installation", and then setup terminates. This happens if you installed the hotfix of September 19, 2002 to Developer 7.04 and your setup is downloading the InstallScript engine from
The InstallScript engine included in the developer hotfix of September 19 is causing problems for setups using MSI verion 1.2. Therefore the engine installer on InstallShield's server has not been updated with the hotfix. If you applied the hotfix to your development machine however your setup requires the new engine version.
Change your release settings to either include the InstallScript engine in your disk image, or place isscript.msi (from directory Developer\Redist\Language Independent\i386\ on your development machine) on your web server and adjust the downoad URL in your release settings accordingly.
This problem has been reported with the hotfix released September 19, 2002.
FIXED in the hotfix released October 23, 2002.
Created: 2002-10-05   Last update: 2002-11-07   InstallShield tracking number:

Progress Bar Stays a 0% After Installing Developer Hotfix

During installation the progress bar stays at 0% though the file copy process. However the instaIlation completes sucessfully. This happens if you installed the hotfix of September 19, 2002 to Developer 7.04 and your setup is using version 1.x of the MSI runtime files.
Change your release settings to use version 2.x of the MSI runtime. Or uninstall the hotfix replace the following files with the files that are on your installation media:
  Developer\Redist\Language Independent\i386\isscript.msi
  Developer\Redist\Language Independent\i386\ISScriptBridge.dll
  Developer\Redist\Language Independent\i386\ISScriptBridgeLarge.dll
InstallShield confirmed that this is a problem in the hotfix released September 19, 2002.
FIXED in the hotfix released October 23, 2002.
Created: 2002-10-05   Last update: 2002-11-07   InstallShield tracking number:

IDriver Crashes

It has been reported that IDriver.exe may crash while the progress bar shows "Removing Backup Files" on Windows NT4 SP6.
InstallShield has released a hot fix. It's available from the the Check for Updates item in the Tools menu.
Note that there is a known problem with this hot fix for setups using version 1.2 of the msi engine.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a known issue in ISD 7.04.
FIXED in ISDev 8.00
Created: 2002-09-06   Last update: 2002-08-09   InstallShield tracking number: 1-8KM0T

Script Editor Capitalizes Keywords

After typing a function name like AskText the script editor automatically changes it to capital letters, e.g. ASKTEXT. This results in compile errors.
Right click in the script editor pane, select properties, and go to the Language/Tabs tab. Uncheck the option "Correct text case while typing language keyword."
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a known issue in ISD 7.04. It is documented in InstallShield knowledge base article Q105958. Not fixed in ISDev 8.00.
Created: 2002-09-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-6NSQN

Cannot Disable Modify and Remove Buttons in Control Panel

In the InstallShield IDE under Organize your Step -> General Inormation -> Add/remove programs, you set the options for Disable Remove, Change and Repair to "yes". However after your setup is installed, the Cahnge/Remove button in control panel is enabled anyway. This problem only affects Standard projects.
This problem has been reported for ISD 7.04. Not fixed in ISDev 8.00.
Created: 2002-09-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-AHSNX

"List Truncated" Appears in Files View

Adding a dynamic link to a directory that contains subdirectories results in an entry in the Files view of the project with the text "**List Truncated**" appearing in the Name column. Under normal circumstances, each file in a subdirectory has an entry in this list with the name "SubdirectoryName\FileName". This error has been observed in cases where a previous version of Developer is upgraded to 7.0 SP 4. If a clean installation of Developer 7 SP 4 is performed, the problem does not occur. This problem is limited to the display in the IDE only and does not result in the exclusion of the files in the install after it is built. Files in the dynamically linked subdirectories are correctly built into the installer.
Setting the registry value "FileItemsCount" under the key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\InstallShield\Developer\7.0\Project Settings] to the decimal value 500 in the registry of the system on which InstallShield Developer is installed will resolve the issue. This registry value is used to set an upper limit on the number of files in a subdirectory of a dynamically linked directory which are displayed in the IDE. The bug is that this value is erroneously set to "0" when a previous version of Developer is upgraded to Service Pack 4, with the result that no files in subdirectories of dynamic links appear in the Files list. It is normal to see the "**List Truncated**" text in the Files view in cases where the number of files exceeds the value specified in the above registry value. Setting this registry value to a higher number will correct the problem.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in ISD 7.04. It is documented in InstallShield knowledge base article Q106633.
FIXED in ISDev 8.00
Created: 2002-09-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-9W849

IDE Crash Running Static Scanner

The Static Scanning Wizard is run for a project by selecting the Perform Static Scanning option in the Dependencies view of the IDE. During the Static Scanning Wizard's Scanning Progress dialog, an abnormal program termination of InstallShield Developer occurs and the IDE closes. This error occurs whenever a previous version of InstallShield Developer is upgraded to 7.04 (Service Pack 4). If a clean installation of InstallShield Developer 7 SP4 is performed, the problem does not occur.
This problem can be corrected by running the Repair option for InstallShield Developer 7 through the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel. It can also be corrected by uninstalling, then reinstalling InstallShield Developer 7 SP4.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in ISD 7.04. It is documented in InstallShield knowledge base article Q106625.
FIXED in ISDev 8.00
Created: 2002-09-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-9WMIF

Error 1155: "Could Not Find InstMSI.exe" with Setup that Includes .NET Framework

When running an InstallShield project that includes the .NET Framework redistributable, the error "Error 1155: Could Not Find InstMSI*.exe" (where * equals either "A" or "W") occurs during setup initialization.
The .NET Framework redistributable installs MSI version 2.0.2600.1. However on Windows NT/2000/XP machines, InstallShield Developer installations, by default, expect MSI version 2.0.2600.2.
In registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\InstallShield\Developer\7.0 change value MsiVersion from 2.0.2600.2 to 2.0.2600.0 and rebuild your setup.
This problem is documented in InstallShield knowledge base article Q106499.
FIXED in ISDev 8.00
Created: 2002-09-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-9Q89N

"This Patch Package Could Not Be Opened" Error when Applying a Patch

When creating a patch that upgrades two or more previous versions, running the patch causes the following error to occur: "This Patch Package could not be opened"
This is due to a bug in InstallShield Developer 7.x that causes the version relationship equations in the Target Images panel of the Patch Wizard to be backwards.
In the Target Images panel of the Patch Wizard, select "Newer Version <= Previous Version" which actually equates to "Newer Version >= Previous Version."
This problem is documented in InstallShield knowledge base article Q106795.
FIXED in ISDev 8.00
Created: 2002-09-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-AC57Q

Wrong Column Type in DuplicateFile Table

The Destination column in the DuplicateFile table (in Direct Editior) only allows for a string up to 32 characters, while MSI specification is 72 characters. This is a problem in particular for merge module projects if you need to append the module guid to the directory identifier (like INSTALLDIR.97780B44_402A_4FA8_93CB_57CE7CA448F6)
Edit your msm file with Orca after the build. Alternatively you can fix this in your project file so you don't have to repeat it after each build, however the procedure is rather comlicated. If you need this fix please contact InstallShield support (Jim Kang) or if they can't help contact the webmaster.
This problem is reproducible in ISD 7.04.
FIXED in ISDev 8.00
Created: 2002-09-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-9CZYO

Setup Creates Empty INI File Entries

In addition to the INI file entries you specified your setup may create entries like these:
[ ]
This happens if these INI file entries are located in a merge module. In this case the INI file view adds invalid rows to the IniFile table with empty Section and Key entries. This only happens in merge module projects. In regular setup projects the Ini File View works properly and doesn't create these additional rows.
In your merge module project go to the IniFile table in Direct Editor and remove the rows with empty entries in the Section and Key columns.
This problems is reproducible in ISD 7.04. Not fixed in ISDev 8.00.
Created: 2002-08-30   InstallShield tracking number: 1-7MY1Q

"Delay engine reboot" Option Enabled for MSI Version 1.2

When running through the Release Wizard, using an existing product configuration and release name, the Setup Launcher screen displays the "Delay engine reboot until after your setup installation completes" checkbox in an enabled state, even if MSI Engine 1.2 was selected during the initial creation of the release. However this option only applies to MSI 2.0.
Don't select the "Delay engine reboot..." checkbox if MSI Engine Version 1.2 is selected.
This problem has been reported for ISD 7.03 and 7.04. Not fixed in ISDev 8.00.
Created: 2002-08-30   InstallShield tracking number: 1-9KOLD

Static Text Control Displays ***STR OVER LIMIT***

Text boxes within custom dialogs are limited to 25 characters. If a string of more than 25 characters is used, ***STR OVER LIMIT*** is displayed instead of the text you specified.
Split up long strings into two or more text boxes.
This problem has been reported for ISD 7.03 and 7.04. A feature request has been submitted to expand the number of characters allowed in dialog text boxes. Not fixed in ISDev 8.00.
Created: 2002-08-30   InstallShield tracking number: 1-9TKTC

UNINSTALL_DISPLAYNAME cannot be Changed in Maintenance Mode

Using the UNINSTALL_DISPLAYNAME variable to modify the way an existing product name is displayed in the Add/Remove Programs list, is unsuccessful if the product is already installed (e.g. when installing a Small Update).
Use RegDB functions to modify the display name, using code like this:
szLocation = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\InstallShield_" + PRODUCT_GUID;
if (RegDBGetKeyValueEx(szLocation, "DisplayName", nType, szValue, nSize) = = 0) then
    RegDBSetKeyValueEx(szLocation, "DisplayName", REGDB_STRING, UNINSTALL_DISPLAYNAME, -1);
This problem has been reported for ISD 7.02 - 7.04. Not fixed in ISDev 8.00.
Created: 2002-08-30   InstallShield tracking number: 1-9VWM4

ProgDefGroupType( ) is Necessary to Create Shortcuts for All Users

The documentation, for the AddFolderIcon and CreateProgramFolder functions, states that "COMMON is the default setting". While this was true with InstallShield Professional, it is not true with InstallShield Developer. If the ProgDefGroupType function is not called first, the icon or folder will be created in the current user's folder, not for all users.
Run ProgDefGroupType(COMMON) to create the icon or folder for all users.
This problem has been reported for ISD 7.02 - 7.04.
FIXED in ISDev 8.00
Created: 2002-08-30   InstallShield tracking number: 1-A7SC9

Release Build Fails with Error -1530 for 'Custom' Media Type

If large inputs spanning disk boundaries are provided to a custom release build, a failure occurs mid-build. This behaviour is usually exhibited around the creation of the third or fourth disk split, for no apparent reason whatsoever.
This problem has been reported for ISD 7.04.
FIXED in ISDev 8.00
Created: 2002-08-30   InstallShield tracking number: 1-9MSY7

MDACFOUND Property not Set Using System Search

Adding the predefined search for MDAC in the System Search view may fail to set the MDACFOUNDPROPERTY even if MDAC is installed.
Go to the RegLocator table in Direct Editor and make sure the Root column has a value of 2 instead of 0.
Here is a fixed version of the MDAC System Search. Copy the enclosed file MDAC26FOUND.ini to [ProgramFilesFolder]\InstallShield\Developer\Searches
File size: 362 bytes   Last update: 2002-08-09
InstallShield confirmed that this is a problem in ISD 7.03 and 7.04.
FIXED in ISDev 8.00
Created: 2002-08-07   Last update: 2002-08-09   InstallShield tracking number: 1-A8ENL

.NET Framework Setup Can't be Interrupted

Stopping "InstallShield Wizard" application does not stop the process that is installing the Microsoft .NET Framework..
This problem is listed in InstallShield Knowledge Base article Q106467 for ISD 7.04.
FIXED in ISDev 8.00
Created: 2002-08-02   InstallShield tracking number: 1-96MYS

Permissions not Retained During Copy&Paste Operation in IDE

File permissions are not copied when you copy and paste a file. The same is true for registry values.
Set permissions on the new file or registry entry after pasting it.
This problem is listed in InstallShield Knowledge Base article Q106467 for ISD 7.04.
FIXED in ISDev 8.00
Created: 2002-08-02   InstallShield tracking number: 1-8QMLH

BDE Merge Module Missing

After installing the BDE merge module, it does not appear in the IDE.
The BDE merge module's default location is [ProgramFilesFolder]Borland\BDEMergeModulePro. This is not added to the Merge Module Locations search path. To fix this issue, add the path to the BDE merge module in the Merge Module Locations search path. This can be found under Tools -> Options -> File Locations -> Merge Module Locations.
This problem is listed in InstallShield Knowledge Base article Q106467 for ISD 7.04.
FIXED in ISDev 8.00
Created: 2002-08-02   InstallShield tracking number: 1-9LM4S and 1-96Z25

Word Export Missing in Crystal Merge Modules

Crystal Reports 8 and 8.5 objects are missing Export to Word support.
Add U2FWORDW.DLL to your project and install it to [WindowsFolder]\Crystal. this file can be found on the Crystal Reports 8/8.5 CD.
This problem is listed in InstallShield Knowledge Base article Q106467 for ISD 7.04. Not fixed in ISDev 8.00.
Created: 2002-08-02   InstallShield tracking number: 1-9I0NL

IDT File Not Found

Exported .isv truncates paths to .idt files if the project file name contains an extra dot (for example, Release 1.2.ism). The next time you try to open that .isv, it cannot find the .idt files.
Rename your project before exporting. The project name does not affect the resulting setup.
This problem is listed in InstallShield Knowledge Base article Q106467 for ISD 7.04. Not fixed in ISDev 8.00.
Created: 2002-08-02   InstallShield tracking number: 1-9ITO1

IDE Crash in Merge Module Project

IDE Crashes if you manually add two entries to the module dependencies or exclusions.
Use the Direct Editor to edit the ModuleDependency and ModuleExclusion tables.
This problem is listed in InstallShield Knowledge Base article Q106467 for ISD 7.04.
FIXED in ISDev 8.00
Created: 2002-08-02   InstallShield tracking number: 1-9JYLS

Cannot Get Project from Source Control

If you have a binary column in a custom table in a project then "Get Latest Version" from source control fails with an error saying it could not open the project's ism file.
This problem is listed in InstallShield Knowledge Base article Q106467 for ISD 7.04. Not fixed in ISDev 8.00.
Created: 2002-08-02   InstallShield tracking number: 1-96FRX

Default Icon Missing from COM Extraction

During COM Extraction the default icon is not extracted when the registry entry is just the file name without a path.
Instead of adding the file and setting the Com Extract at Build, add the file using Component Wizard -> COM Server option. After this modify ISBuildSourcePath column of Icon table by selecting the file in Data column in Icon table in Direct Editor.
This problem is listed in InstallShield Knowledge Base article Q106467 for ISD 7.04. Not fixed in ISDev 8.00.
Created: 2002-08-02   InstallShield tracking number: 1-9GHNC

Connection to Visual Studio .NET Project Lost

If you are using InstallShield Developer within Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, and you create a reference to a Visual Studio Project Output, and then you rename the Visual Studio project, then the InstallShield build will no longer resolve the reference.
After renaming your Visual Studio project, then go to the Path Variables view in InstallShield. You will see a Path Variable whose value contains the old name of the Visual Studio project. Update the name to reflect the new value.
This problem is listed in InstallShield Knowledge Base article Q106467 for ISD 7.04. Not fixed in ISDev 8.00.
Created: 2002-08-02   InstallShield tracking number: 1-8YZ9S

Warning -6248 in .NET Dependency Scan

.NET Dependency Scan-at-Build Results in Warning: -6248.
Please refer to Knowledge Base article Q106524, PRB: .NET Dependency Scan-at-Build Results in Warning: -6248 for a possible workaround.
This problem is listed in InstallShield Knowledge Base article Q106467 for ISD 7.04. Not fixed in ISDev 8.00.
Created: 2002-08-02   InstallShield tracking number: 1-9U2U5

COM Registration Fails for 64-bit COM Objects in 64-bit Setup

If you define a self-registered 64-bit COM DLL installed by a 64-bit setup, the COM registration will fail with the following runtime error message: "Error 1904.Module failed to register. HRESULT . Contact your support personnel."
If you take another approach and set up ISD to extract COM information from this 64-bit DLL at build time, the following warning will be displayed: "Warning -4354: The build was unable to extract COM information from the file <path to a 64-bit DLL>."
Register the DLL either directly from InstallScript by running LaunchAppAndWait(WINSYSDIR ^ "regsvr32", "/s " + strPath , WAIT), where strPath is a path to the COM DLL, or register the DLL via a batch script.
InstallShield confirmed that this is a problem in ISD 7.03 - 8.00.
Created: 2002-06-13   InstallShield tracking number: 1-9G9RC

Release Wizard doesn't Create Build Report

After converting a project from ISWI 2.03 to Developer 7 a build report is no longer generated listing all components and files included in a build.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a problem in ISD 7.02 - 8.00.
Created: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-8WI0I

Features Appear in the Wrong Order in the Feature Tree Dialog

In a setup with multiple configurations, which include features based on release flags, some features may appear in the wrong order, i.e. not in the order they are defined in the IDE. This is not consistent between projects.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a problem in ISD 7.02 - 8.00.
Created: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-7XTY7

File and Component Keys not Working in Registry Values

In MSI the Formatted data type accepts values in the form [#somefile.exe] which will resolve to the full path of the file identified by the file key #somefile.exe. However such entries don't work if entered in the registry view of ISD. They worked properly in IPWI 2, so this may cause an upgraded project to fail.
The same problem exists for entries in the form [!filekey] and [$componentkey].
The Developer IDE escapes the square brackets, so [!filekey] becomes [\[]!filekey[\]] in the registry table.
Use Direct Editor to adjust the entry in the registry table.
For file keys in the format [#somefile] InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in ISD 7.00 and it was FIXED in ISD 7.02.
For [!filekey] and [$componentkey] the problem still exists in ISD 7.02 - 8.00.
Created: 2001-09-15   Last update: 2002-04-29   InstallShield tracking numbesr: 1-6SPUK (for [#somefile.exe]), 1-9G9P3 (for [$componentkey] and [!filekey])

Custom Action Properties Unavailable if Target Field Contains Apostrophe

If you enter text that includes an apostrophe in the Target field of a custom action, the action's properties disappear from the IDE. To reproduce the issue, do the following:
1. Go to the Custom Actions view and create a new action
2. Enter some text in the Target field that includes an apostrophe, e.g. "Stefan's Test"
3. Select some other view, then return to your custom action
The properties of the action will no longer be displayed in the rightmost pane, and you can't open the context menu for your action.
Don't use an apostrophe in the Target field of a custom action. If you already did, go to the CustomAction table in Direct Editor and remove the apostrophe.
InstallShield confirmed that this is a problem in ISD 7.02 - 8.00.
Created: 2002-04-29   InstallShield tracking number: 1-9G9PH

Unwanted Feature is Selected by Default During Initial Installation

In a setup with multiple configurations, which include features based on release flags, some features, which must be unselected in the feature selection dialog by default, become selected. This is not consistent between projects.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a problem in ISD 7.02 - 8.00.
Created: 2002-04-15   Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-7T25A

Precompiler Directive #elifdef not Working

Code blocks following #elifdef conditions never get executed. Under certain conditions, compiler generates "error C8059: 'elifdef' : unrecognized
preprocessor command". To simulate the problem, create a standard project and add the following blocks of code to setup.rul file:
// #define ZERO 1
#define ONE 1
function OnFirstUIBefore()
#ifdef ZERO
MessageBox("#ifdef ZERO", MB_OK);
#elifdef ONE
MessageBox("#elifdef ONE", MB_OK);
MessageBox("#else", MB_OK);

When executed, this code should display a message box with "#elifdef ONE", but it shows "#else" instead. If you uncomment '#define ZERO 1' statement, compiler may generate error C8059 (this is not always consistent and may depend on the code layout in setup.rul file).
Use #elif or #ifndef instead of #elifdef.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a problem in ISD 7.02 - 8.00.
Created: 2002-04-15   Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-78TUE

SHELL_OBJECT_FOLDER can't be Used to Specify Shortcut Folder

According to the documentation for Standard projects you can use the InstallScript variable SHELL_OBJECT_FOLDER to specify in which folder (program group) your shortcuts should be placed. This doesn't work. Entering SHELL_OBJECT_FOLDER in the Display Name property for a program folder in shortcuts view creates a string table entry with value "SHELL_~1|SHELL_OBJECT_FOLDER" instead.
Use all capital letters for the folder name (directory identifier).
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a problem in ISD 7.02 - 8.00.
Created: 2002-02-26   Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-802HL

Error 1605 After Per-User Install of Standard Project

This problem only happens with the Standard project type. The first user to run the install program and select per-user experiences no problems, but when a second user attempts to run the installer, maintenance mode is brought up and the installation eventually fails with this error: "Error: -1605. This action is only valid for products that are currently installed." This occurs regardless of whether one or both users have Admin privileges.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a problem in ISD 7.02 - 7.04.
FIXED in ISDev 8.00
Created: 2002-02-26   Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-7U69A

Environment Entries in Merge Modules don't get Installed

If you define environment settings in a merge module, they are successfully built into the .msm file, but after merging the module into the main project they don't get created during installation.
When creating a merge module the module GUID is appended to the component name (to avoid any conflicts). But in the environment table this guid is missing, so the environment settings are associated with a non existing component (component name without GUID) and therefore are not merged into the parent project.
In the merge module project go to the Environment table in Direct Editor and click on the component field of each environment entry. This will correct the entry (you should see the component name with GUID appear).
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a problem in ISD 7.02 - 7.04.
FIXED in ISDev 8.00
Created: 2002-02-09   Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-7MXJ5

IsRegSpy Error During COM Extraction

While adding a OCX using the Component Wizard you may get the following error during the COM Information Extraction process: "The instruction at 0x00409e6d referenced memory at 0x00000004. The memory could not be read. Click OK to terminate the program." and the program identified by this error message is IsRegSpy.exe. The same can happen while building the release if you selected the option to extract self registration information during the build.
This error message is caused by a problem with the new COM extraction mechanism in ISD 7.02.
This zip file includes a fixed version of IsRegSpy. Copy the two included file to the System folder in your InstallShield Developer program directory.
ZIP   Written by Mingbiao Fei (InstallShield Software Corp.)
File size: 102.040 bytes   Last update: 2002-02-02
Alternatively you can switch back to the old (pre 7.02) COM extraction method by setting the following registry entry to string value "y":
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a problem in ISD 7.02 - 8.00.
Created: 2002-01-22   Last update: 2002-06-14    InstallShield tracking number: 1-78UD1

Major Upgrade Patch Fails for Standard Projects

You cannot install a major upgrade to a Standard project as a patch. If you try you will receive error 1628. A major upgrade as full release instead of patch should work. Basic MSI projects are not affected by this problem.
There's a bug in patch wizard that it always passes the new product guid to the InstallScript engine, so the engine can't find the product on the machine, of course.
Release your major upgarde as full product instead of a patch or use a Basic MSI project.
This problem has been reported for ISD 7.02. InstallShield is unaware of anyone who has gotten it to work for Basic MSI either. If you have a working major upgrade patch (created with any tool) please contact the webmaster.
Created: 2002-01-04    Last update: 2002-06-06  

Graphics not Visible in Dialog Editor for Standard Projects

Cannot see bitmaps on predefined dialogs in Standard projects. The bitmaps are displayed properly during runtime. Note that Standard Projects only support BMP and ICO files, no other graphic formats.
InstallShield has listed this problem as open issue in the release notes for ISD 7.0. Not fixed in ISD 7.01 - 8.00.
Created: 2001-08-18    Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-6A3R2

ICE03 Validation Errors / Tables not Filtered with Language or Release Flags

Create a setup with language specific components and add entries to the Duplicate File table that are associated with these components. Build a release filtering out all but one language. The components for the other languages are not built into the resulting MSI file, as expected. However the Duplicate File table entries associated with the not included components exist in the MSI file. This results in ICE03 errors "Not A Valid Foreign Key" when validating the MSI file, but not in runtime errors. The same problems exists with release flags to filter features, and tables like ISRequiredFeature, ISSetupTypeFeatures, Condition, DuplicateFile, Environment, and ReserveCost.
Here is a VB Script to post process the MSI file. It will delete entries from the Duplicate File table where the referenced file doesn't exist in the package.
ZIP   Written by Adrian Accinelli
File size: 821 bytes   Last update: 2001-09-29
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a problem in ISD 7.00 - 8.00.
Improved in ISD 7.01 - the following tables are filtered: Class,  Condition, CreateFolder, DuplicateFile, Environment, Extension, Feature, File, ISFeatureExtended, ODBCDataSource, ODBCDriver, ODBCTranslator, ProgID, PublishComponent, Registry, RemoveFile, ReserveCost, ISComponentExtended, Shortcut, Typelib.
The following tables are not yet filtered in ISD 7.03 and 7.04: ISRequiredFeature, ISSetupTypeFeatures.
Created: 2001-09-29    Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking numbers: 1-6L0T6 (fixed), 1-6Q3ID (pending), 1-6H0FJ (fixed), 1-6API1(fixed)

Components not Deleted in Project Wizard

Create a new standard project using the project wizard.  In the 'Application Files' page, add some files to a feature. Then remove these files. Complete the new project wizard. In the File View of the new project, note that components for the files which were added/removed exist, however no files are associated with them (ensure that show components is enabled).
Manually delete these components from the project after the wizard is completed.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is an issue in ISD 7.00 - 8.00.
Created: 2001-09-29   Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-6A3QL

Setup tries to Install MDAC even if the Feature with the MDAC Merge Module is not Selected

When running a setup that includes the MDAC 2.5 merge module the MDAC installation will be triggered even if the feature with which the MDAC merge module is associated is not selected for installation.
InstallShield confirmed that this is a known issue in ISD 7.00 - 7.04.
FIXED in ISDev 8.00
Created: 2001-09-15   Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-6NE24

PathAdd Sometimes Fails to Add Path

PathAdd doesn't add a path to the path buffer if a similar entry already exists that is only different in the "extension" of the path. Code sample:
  nResult = PathAdd("c:\\dir.1\\test", "", FULL, AFTER);
  nResult = PathAdd("c:\\dir.2\\test", "", FULL, AFTER);

The resulting path is just "c:\dir.1\test".
Use the path function replacements in this package.
InstallShield confirmed that this is a problem in ISD 7.03 - 8.00. It is also reproducible in ISD 7.00 and in InstallShield Professional Standard Edition 6.x. InstallShield has accepted this as a bug in IS 6.30 and 6.31. The function worked properly in IS 5.53.
Created: 2001-09-15   Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-6JJL1 (1-6L1KD for IS 6.3)

Missing Text on InstallShield Today Page

The Welcome page in the InstallShield Today view of the IDE may display only one image, but the text is gone.
The Welcome page allows drag & drop of the images. Clicking on an image (e.g. the ISD logo) and moving the mouse will result in all text disappearing. Only the logo is shown.
Close and re-open the IDE.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in ISD 7.00 - 7.04.
Created: 2001-08-30   Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-6JAX6

Adminstrative Installation of Standard Project is Incomplete

Running an administrative installation of a Standard project will copy the msi file and the application files, but not setup.exe and setup.ini, which are required for standard projects.
Use CopyFile to copy the missing files to the admin install location, or use a Basic MSI project.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in ISD 7.00 - 8.00.
Created: 2001-08-30   Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-6JAXG

Merge Modules in Sub-Features Can't be Deleted with Automation

ISWiProject.DeleteMergeModule does not remove a merge module from subfeature.
Use ISWiFeature.RemoveMergeModule, which will remove a merge module from a subfeature.
InstallShield has listed this problem as open issue in the release notes for ISD 7.00. Not fixed in 7.01- 8.00.
Created: 2001-08-18   Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-6AJ65

IDE Appears to Hang While Upgrading IPWI 2.x Project

The Installation Development Environment (IDE) appears to hang at the UIText table when trying to upgrade a 2.03 project if the project is created after installing language packs.
This happens as the upgrade code is upgrading all the strings (in all languages) to the Developer 7.0 project format.
Wait until the upgrade is finished.
InstallShield has listed this problem as open issue in the release notes for ISD 7.00. Not fixed in 7.01 - 8.00.
Created: 2001-08-18   Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-68IWC

One-Click Installs cannot be Launched from the IDE

One-Click Install setups cannot be run from the IDE.
One-Click Install Setups must be located on the URL specified in the release settings in order for the install to work. Therefore, they cannot be run from their default release location under MySetups.
InstallShield has listed this problem as open issue in the release notes for ISD 7.00. Not fixed in ISD 7.01 - 8.00.
Created: 2001-08-18   Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-67L1K

##STRINGID## in IniFile View of Migrated Projects

IniFile->Keyword->Datavalue shows in ##STRINGID## when converting an MSI/MSM file to an InstallShield Developer project (.ism). Even though the IDE displays the incorrect value, the correct values are written to the MSI package when built.
InstallShield has listed this problem as open issue in the release notes for ISD 7.00. Not fixed in ISD 7.01 - 8.00.
Created: 2001-08-18   Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-6A5O1

Setup Hangs in FeatureTransferData Call

Calling FeatureTransferData an extra time on the same media causes the install to hang.
FeatureTransferData is already called by the runtime code. The functionality to call it more than once will be available in a future release.
InstallShield has listed this problem as open issue in the release notes for ISD 7.00. Not fixed in ISD 7.01 - 8.00.
Created: 2001-08-18   Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-69VHY

INSTALLDIR can't be Modified in Merge Module Projects

Not able to modify INSTALLDIR in Merge Module properties in a Merge Module project. INSTALLDIR cannot reference itself.
For example, if INSTALLDIR is currently [ProgramFilesFolder]mydir, and you want to change it to be in mydir\subdir instead, do not set the value of INSTALLDIR to be:
instead, set it to:
InstallShield has listed this problem as open issue in the release notes for ISD 7.00. Not fixed in ISD 7.01 - 8.00.
Created: 2001-08-18   Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-69A7A

Custom Uninstall DLL not Migrated from IS5 Projects

InstallShield 5 projects with custom uninstall DLLs are not migrated correctly.
Convert the program…endprogram block in InstallScript to an event-based setup. This will allow for custom code (in InstallScript or in a DLL) to be called during uninstall by authoring it in the Maintenance events.
InstallShield has listed this problem as open issue in the release notes for ISD 7.00. Not fixed in ISD 7.01 - 8.00.
Created: 2001-08-18   Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-67TF7

Component Wizards Asks for Version Independent ProgId

Component Wizard | COM Server option | Classes panel should not require a Version Independent ProgId.
Enter a Version Independent ProgId and then delete it from under the component's Advanced Settings | COM Registration node.
InstallShield has listed this problem as open issue in the release notes for ISD 7.00. Not fixed in ISD 7.01 - 8.00.
Created: 2001-08-18   Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-6AT7W

DirectX and MSDE Objects don't Work in Releases with Compressed Media

Compressed Setup of DirectX 8 and MSDE object won't install.
Build uncompressed releases when including DirectX 8 or MSDE object and use PackageForTheWeb to package the setup into a single EXE.
InstallShield has listed this problem as open issue in the release notes for ISD 7.00. Not fixed in ISD 7.01 - 8.00.
Created: 2001-08-18   Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-6CFGR

Dialog Box When Double-Clicking an Advertised Shortcut

Activating an advertised shortcut that was created using a Standard setup results in a message box displayed before the installation completes.
To prevent this message from being displayed, remove the code in the OnMsiSilentInstall event. This event is under the category Miscellaneous in the Script Editor combo box.
InstallShield has listed this problem as open issue in the release notes for ISD 7.00. Not fixed in ISD 7.01 - 8.00.
Created: 2001-08-18   Last update: Last update: 2002-06-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-69O0O

[ Known Bugs | Other Known Issues ]

Other Known Issues in ISD 7.04

McAfee VirusScan Crashes Scanning Sysutils.dll

The on-demand scanner (scan32.exe) of McAfee VirusScan may crash while scanning the file sysutils.dll that is included on the InstallShield Developer 7.04 CD-ROM. This seems to be an issue in McAfee VirusScan, and has been reported for scan32.exe versions 4.x. McAfee does not report a virus in this file, nor do other virus scanners, so the file is not infected. The sysutils.dll file is only required to install InstallShield Developer (the IDE) on your development machine. It is not required to build setups nor is it included in your releases, so this is not an issue for your end users. The crash has only been reported for the version of sysutil.dll that is included in Developer 7.04, previous versions don't seem to be affected. The file is included on the CD or exists on your hard disk in directory [ProgramFilesFolder]InstallShield\SetupFiles\InstallShieldDeveloper704 (if you downloaded the software).
Don't scan this file using the on demand scanner (the on-access scanner VShield doesn't seem to be affected by this problem). Either remove the CD from the drive before you start a system scan, or rename the file in the aforementioned folder. (Don't delete the file - it may be required for repair operations).
This is an issue with McAfee, not a bug in InstallShield. It has been reproduced with McAfee VirusScan 4.5.1 SP1.
Created: 2002-10-11   InstallShield tracking number: 1-B4P8N

Setup Hangs During MSI API Call

In a Basic MSI project when calling certain MSI API functions (like MsiSetTargetPath or MsiSetFeatureState) in a InstallScript custom action that is launched via DoAction from a dialog button you setup will wait indefinitely. It will not display an error message or crash, it will just not do anything anymore until you end it in task manager.
This happens because of an apparent design decision in MSI. When DoAction is called, it appears that MSI does not process Windows messages. InstallScript uses COM to call MsiSetTarget, and thus relies on the Windows message queue. Hence the deadlock occurs, which does not occur in a C++ custom action that does not use COM.
Do not to call these MSI APIs from InstallScript if they are fired from DoAction from a dialog button. Insert the custom action into the sequence or use a DLL instead of InstallScript. (You can even create a custom action of type Standard DLL to call the function in msi.dll directly). Or convert your project to a Standard project and call the function from an event handler in your script.
InstallShield confirmed that this is a problem in all versions of InstallShield Developer and in ISWI since version 1.52.
Created: 2002-09-06   InstallShield tracking number: 1-A3JHZ

INSTALLDIR Reverts Back to the Default Directory

If a path is entered during an installation, MSI verifies the path to determine that the installer has write access. If the path does not have write access, INSTALLDIR is changed to the default path directory for INSTALLDIR (which by default is Program Files\Your Company Name\Your Product Name). This action occurs whether or not you have components set to write to the path in question and it does so without any type of warning. As a result, if you need to have the user enter in a path (e.g. to locate files on a server), if the user does not have write access to that path, INSTALLDIR will be changed.
For a standard project, use InstallShield script and save the value of the field entered in a variable other than INSTALLDIR. Use this new variable when referring to the install directory.
This problem has been reported for ISD 7.02 - 7.04. A feature request has been submitted.
Created: 2002-08-30   InstallShield tracking number: 1-A3JHZ

MFC 7 Merge Modules Install to Wrong Directory

MFC 7.0 merge module files are installed to the root drive of the target machine.
Right-click on the merge module in the Merge Modules view and select Properties. In the Properties dialog, indicate [SystemFolder] as the destination.
This problem is listed in InstallShield Knowledge Base article Q106467 for ISD 7.04.
InstallShield stated that this is an error in Microsoft's merge module.
FIXED in ISDev 8.00
Created: 2002-08-02   Last update: 2002-08-09   InstallShield tracking number: 1-9753M

Can't Import Pro 7 Project

Unable to migrate InstallShield Professional (Standard Edition) 7.0 projects.
This problem is listed in InstallShield Knowledge Base article Q106467 for ISD 7.04.
Professional 7.0 is not yet available at the time ISD 7.04 was released.
FIXED in ISDev 8.00
Created: 2002-08-02   InstallShield tracking number: 1-90WE4

GetLine Returns End-of-Line Error Unexpected

GetLine description claims that "when GetLine has read all the lines in a file, it returns an end-of-file error." However, it fails to mention that if the last line of the file does not end with the new line character, GetLine will also return end-of-file error when it reads this line. So the following example will never process the last line of the file if this line does not have a CR-LF at the end:
  while (GetLine (nFileHandle, svLine) = 0)
    ListAddString (listID, svLine, AFTER);
Handle the EOF condition properly or use ListReadFromFile instead.
InstallShield stated that this is by design.
Created: 2002-07-09   InstallShield tracking number: n/a

64-bit Setup Cannot Create 64-bit COM Objects

If you try to create a valid 64-bit COM object by calling CreateObject function from InstallScript compiled for a 64-bit platform, the operation will fail (i.e. IsObject function will return FALSE).
InstallScript is running as a 32 bit process. Calling a 64 bit process from a 32 bit process can fail.
Use VBScript instead of InstallScript. VBScript runs as 64 bit process.
InstallShield is aware of this problem. They are considering to make InstallScript a 64 bit processin a future release.
Created: 2002-06-13   InstallShield tracking number: 1-9G9R4

Error 0x80070725: Incompatible version of the RPC stub

When launching setup you may receive the message "Unhandled Exception Error: 0x80070725 Description: Incompatible version of the RPC stub. Setup will now terminate."
An incompatible version of one or more OLE files have been installed on the failing machine.
Use the fix specified in Microsoft knowledge base article Q321915.
This is problem is caused by a damage in the operating system.
Created: 2002-06-06    InstallShield tracking number: n/a

Runtime Error 1150: Setup has detected an incompatible version of Windows

During initialization of your setup you may receive the following error message: "1150: Setup has detected an incompatible version of Windows. Please click OK and verify that the target system is running either Windows 95 (or later version), or Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6 (or later version), before relaunching the installation". This happens although you are running a compatible Windows version. The problem startet after you upgraded ISD to version 7.02.
A required entry is missing from the setup.ini file. This happens if you updated to ISD 7.02 using the patch, and previously have manually edited the setup.ini file, e.g. to enable support for MSI 2.0 in ISD 7.00 or 7.01. In this case the patch cannot update the setup.ini file per Windows Installer's file versioning rules.
This zip file includes the correct setup.ini file for ISD 7.02. Copy it to directory [ProgramFilesFolder]\InstallShield\Developer\support.
File size: 394 bytes   Last update: 2002-03-16
This setup.ini includes the "MinorVersionMax" entries that have been added in ISD 7.02.
This problem is reproducible in ISD 7.02.
Created: 2002-03-16   Last update: 2002-06-02    InstallShield tracking number: 1-78TUE

Problems with Network Image or Web Media Types

If you build setup media as Single Executable for Network Image or Web media type (specifying not to cache installation on local machine in the Local Machine dialog for Web media type), setup running in maintenance mode will fail with error: "Setup could not find a file on the specified path or disk. Please check that the proper disk is inserted or specify a new path. Unable to locate file <PATH TO MSI FILE>." This error occurs despite the fact that referenced MSI file exists in the specified location. Since there is no option to "specify a new path", if you click Retry button the following error will be displayed: "Error 1706.No valid source could be found for product <PRODUCT NAME>. The Windows Installer cannot continue." Then your setup aborts. This error occurs only when files must be copied (e.g. when running setup in Repair mode).
When using Web media type, specify to cache installation on local machine in the Local Machine dialog. This is not a good workaround because the customers may be annoyed by the prompts to overwrite cached MSI file when running setup in maintenance mode. Another option is not to use Network Image or Web media type, but use CD-ROM media type instead.
This problem is inherent to the media types specified above.
Created: 2002-04-15   InstallShield tracking number: n/a

Wrong Feature States in Standard Project

Install a setup that was created from a Standard project. Afterwards call the Windows Installer API function MsiConfigureFeature (e.g. from a C++ program like the installed application itself) to uninstall a previously installed feature. The feature will properly removed. However if you run setup in maintenance mode, the removed feature is still listed as installed.
With a standard project, the information about what was installed is stored in other locations than Windows Installer stores its feature states.
Use the MsiGetFeatureState function in the maintenance script for your install and set the selected state manually from there.
This problem has been reported for ISD 7.01 - 7.02. InstallShield stated that this is by design.
Created: 2002-01-04    InstallShield tracking number: n/a

Error 1406 on Windows 9x

While running your setup on Windows 95/98/Me you may get the following error message: "Error 1406: could not write value folders to key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\InProgress. Verify you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel." The same setup works without problems on Windows NT/2000.
In the Windows Installer, only directories in all upper-case are public and hence shared between the UI sequence and the execute sequence. In ISD, upper-case entries are normally used to prevent surprising errors when a directory value is not maintained between the UI sequence and the execute sequence. Windows Installer stores all directory table entries that are in upper case in the above mentioned registry location. That is not a problem on NT systems, but may exceed the registry key size limit on Windows 9x if you have many directory table entries.
Use the MSI runtime version 2.0.
If you need to support MSI 1.x change the directory table entries to lower case so they won't get stored. InstallShield has created a tool that will modify the .ism project file accordingly.
Setup ISD1406Fix.exe   Written by Hidenori Yamanishi
File size: 2.081.369 bytes   Last update: 2001-11-08.
This is a limitation in the operating system.
FIXED in MSI runtime version 2.0
Created: 2001-11-08

Graphics not Visible in Dialog Editor for Basic MSI Projects

Some graphics on dialogs may not be displayed in the dialog editor. The graphics are displayed properly during runtime. This happens for graphics in JPG format.
The Dialog Editor can only display graphics in BMP and ICO format. JPEGs are supported at runtime, but not in the dialog editor.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a limitation in ISD 7.00 - 8.00. A feature request has been submitted.
Created: 2001-09-29   Last update: 2001-12-19   InstallShield tracking number: 1-6TBKA

Setup tries to Install MDAC even if the same Version is Already Installed

When running a setup that includes the MDAC 2.5 merge module the MDAC installation will be triggered even if MDAC 2.52 is already installed on the machine.
The merge module installs MDAC only if the version installed is less than or equal to 2.52. The reason to reinstall even on machines that have MDAC 2.52  is because there is a possibility that all necessary files are not on that computer. If a machine has 2.52 installed, but does not have a file critical to your install, your program will not function properly. This way you are guaranteed that all MDAC files are there.
You can create a property named ISINSTALL_MDAC_BYVERSION and set it's value to "Yes". This will install MDAC 2.52 on the target machine if the version of MDAC is strictly less than 2.52.
This is by design.
Created: 2001-09-15   InstallShield tracking number: n/a

Internet Explorer 4.01 SP2 Required for Setups that includes MDAC Merge Module

When running a setup that includes the MDAC 2.5 merge module you may receive an error message that Internet Explorer 4.01 SP2 or above is required. However Microsoft only lists IE 3.01 as a requirement for MDAC 2.5.
While testing the merge module InstallShield noticed that installing MDAC on a lower version of Internet Explorer would put the system through an infinite reboot.
You can bypass the IE version check by creating a property named ISINSTALL_MDAC_SKIP and setting it's value to "Yes". This will install MDAC on any machine without any version checking. You could write a Custom Action that does your version checking and then sets/creates this property. This way you can install it on any machine you like to.
This is by design.
Created: 2001-09-15   InstallShield tracking number: n/a

Error 1918 while Installing ODBC Resources on Windows Me

When you try to install ODBC Resources on a clean Windows Me machine (which has MDAC 2.5 built in) you may receive a message like this: "Error 1918.Error ODBC driver Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb). ODBC error 13. Could not load the setup or translator library. Verify that the file Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) exists and that you can access it.". This problem has been reported for Standard projects.
Modify the OnError event handler as shown below:
function OnError(szMessage, nButtons_Icons)
    if ((StrFind(szMessage, " 1918.") >= 0) && SYSINFO.WIN9X.bWinMe) then
        Sleep(200);    // 200ms delay.
        return IDRETRY;
        return MessageBox(szMessage, nButtons_Icons);
This will retry to create the ODBC resource until it succeeds. You may want to limit the number of retries to avoid an endless loop. There s a report that it took up to 18 retries before it succeeded.
Thanks to Magnus Persson for the workaround.
This appears to be an operating system issue.
Created: 2001-09-15   InstallShield tracking number: n/a

IDE Appears to Hang in File View

When you open the file view in the IDE, ISD may seem to stop responding ("hang").
The files may take a long time to load (appear to be hanging) if the top left view (System Directory Tree) points to any folder that contains a shortcut to a file that does not exist on your system. Windows attempts to looks for these files, cause a long delay in the file's view. If you have a shortcut with a missing target on our desktop, the whole view will take a long time to load since this is the default folder of the view.
Remove the shortcut with missing target. If the target is on a network share, log in to the network.
This is a problem with the configuration of the development machine.
Created: 2001-08-30   InstallShield tracking number: 1-6JAXL

Digital Signature Fails on Windows 98

Error when trying to digitally sign on Windows 98 IE 4.01 SP2.
The version of cryptui.dll on Windows 98 with IE 4.01 SP2 is lower than 5.131, which is required for digitally signing the media.
Install the latest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer to update cryptui.dll.
This is a problem with the configuration of the development machine.
Created: 2001-08-18   Last update: 2001-12-19   InstallShield tracking number: 1-69JX7

Combo Boxes in InstallScript Editor Sometimes not Working

Cannot add script code into new script files (not Setup.rul) using Combo box entries.
This is by design. The functions added using the combo will go to setup.rul and not to any other script file.
Created: 2001-08-18   Last update: 2001-12-19   InstallShield tracking number: 1-68I6V



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