Bugs Bulletin
[ MSI Engine | MSMs |
InstallShield 12 and newer |
InstallShield 11.5 |
DevStudio 9.0 |
IS Dev
8.0 | IS Dev
7.0 | IPWI 2.0 | ISWI 1.x | IS Pro 7.x | IS
Pro 6.x | IS Pro 5.x ]
[ IS 6.3 | IPSE 6.2
| IS 6.1 | IS 6.0 ]
Last version: 6.03 (This version has been superseded by 6.10)
Released: November 19, 1999
Download: The second edition of Maintenance Pack 3 for IS 6 (domestic and
International versions) is available at http://support.installshield.com/download/is603.asp
Notes: A list of fixed bugs and open issues can be found at http://support.installshield.com/download/is6relnotes.asp
Notes on problems with MP3:
- Maintenance Pack 3 as released on November 18, 1999 included issues with InstallShield
Objects. If you downloaded MP 3 before the evening of November 19, 1999 you should
completely uninstall InstallShield Professional 6.0, then reinstall Professional 6.0 from
the original media, and finally download and install the revised MP3.
- You receive an error message that "InstallShield 6 could not be found" when
you try to install MP3. This happens if you deleted the folder
<PROGRAMFILES>\InstallShield Installation
Information\{23EAFFCA-361D-11D3-8B0F-00105A9846E9} from your pc. This folder includes
installation information for IS6 (required for maintenance mode for instance). You have to
re-install IS6 before you can apply MP3.
- After you have installed a maintenance pack, you should always recompile the script and
rebuild the media of existing projects. Both steps are required, else you may get various
cryptic run time errors.
Known Problems in IS Pro 6.03
Problems that also exist in later versions of IS 6 are not listed here.
- Description:
- On some German language message boxes and dialogs that are displayed during uninstall,
some words are mis-typed:
"Dateiöschung" instead of "Dateilöschung"
"Deinstallatio" instead of "Deinstallation"
"ageschlossen" instead of "abgeschlossen"
- Workarounds:
- Download a patched version of _isres.dll with corrected texts and place it in your
<PROGRAMFILES>\InstallShield\InstallShield Professional 6\Redistributable\Compressed
Files\0007-German\Intel 32 directory.
IsresGer603.zip Patched by Thomas Wendt
File size: 36.338 bytes Last update: 2000-10-18
Note: A similar patch is available for IS 6.1x.
- Status:
- This problem exists in IS 6.0x and 6.10. InstallShield confirmed that this is a problem
in IS 6.10.
FIXED in IS 6.20.
- Created: 2000-04-15 Last update: 2000-10-18
SetStatusWindow Sometimes Fails
- Description:
- Calling SetStatusWindow(0,...) may fail with error 0x80040706 "Object Reference not
set". This happens if called in the OnRebooted() handler.
- Workarounds:
- Call Enable(INDVFILESTATUS) before SetStatusWindow().
- Status:
- InstallShield confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.01. It could not be reproduced with
IS 6.10.
- Created: 1999-11-06 Last update: 2000-02-03
AddFolderIcon Creates Bogus Shortcuts
- Description:
- After running a setup that call AddFolderIcon to create a shortcut to your application
on the desktop, an additional shortcut that points to "My Computer" is created.
- Cause:
- This happens if SetupFolders is called after CreateRegistrySet.
- Workarounds:
- Be sure to call SetupFolders before CreateRegistrySet, and call CreateShellObjects in
your SetupFolders function.
- Status:
- This problem has been reported in the newsgroups for IS 6.01. It could not be reproduced
with IS 6.10.
- Created: 1999-11-12 Last update: 2000-02-03
"Error installing iKernel.exe" During Debugging
- Description:
- After you debugged your setup once, when you try to launch the debugger a second time,
you get the "Error installing iKernel.exe".
- Cause:
- Sometimes iKernel.exe stays in memory after you finish the debugging session.
- Workarounds:
- Use TaskManager to terminate the iKernel process.
- Status:
- This problem has been reported in the newsgroups for IS 6.01. It could not be reproduced
with IS 6.10.
- Created: 1999-11-16 Last update: 2000-02-03
SelectDir Returns Wrong Value
- Description:
- According to documentation, the SelectDir function should return 1 if successfull (or 2
if the Cancel button was clicked). However it returns 0 if the OK button is clicked.
- Workarounds:
- Compare result to < 0 for error, 2 for Cancel, else OK.
- Status:
- InstallShield confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.01.
FIXED: Documentation corrected in IS 6.10.
- Created: 1999-10-30 Last update: 2000-02-01
Visual Basic EXEs Don't Register Correctly
- Description:
- When installing self registering executables, the EXEs are started during the self
registration process, and registration sometimes fails. Mostly this affects EXEs created
with VB 5 or 6, not EXEs created with VC++ 6. The same happens during uninstallation.
- Cause:
- InstallShield 6 calls these EXEs with the "-regserver" command line to
initiate the self registration process. But the affected EXEs do not handle this parameter
correctly, they require "/REGSERVER" ("/" instead of "-").
Similarly they require "/UNREGSERVER" to unregsister, but InstallShield 6 uses
- Workarounds:
- Remove the self-registering flag from the file group and call LaunchAppAndWait to
register/unregister these files.
- Status:
- Microsoft's specification requires that EXEs handle both forms ("-" and
"/") alike, so this is really a fault in the EXE.
FIXED: IS 6.10 uses "/REGSERVER" in addition to "-regserver".
- Created: 1999-12-08 Last update: 2000-02-01
Self-Registration Not Performed After Reboot on Windows 9x
- Description:
- If BATCH_INSTALL = TRUE all self-registration is postponed until after the reboot. On
Windows 95 and 98 setup sometimes fails to re-start after the reboot, and therefore no
post-reboot actions such as self-registration take place.
- Cause:
- The command line that InstallShield places in the RunOnce registry key to continue with
the installation after reboot tends to become very long and may include redundant
switches, especially if objects are used. Therefore it may exceed the maximum length of
command lines in Windows 9x. By default the command line limit is 127 characters, but it
is possible to increase it to 250 characters by modifying the config.sys
(shell=c:\windows\command.com /u:250 /p).
- Workarounds:
- Edit the RunOnce key to use short (8.3 style) path and file names and remove redundant
- Status:
- This problem is has been reported in the newsgroups for IS 6.03.
FIXED: IS 6.10 uses short paths names in the RunOnce key.
- Created: 1999-12-20 Last update: 2000-02-01
- Description:
- For every registry key you add on the Resources Pane, a (Default) entry is created.
While this is okay, there shouldn't be a value for this entry unless you specify one. But
IS6 assigns an empty string "" value to this entry. You can see the difference
in Registry Editor: You get a value of "" where "(Value not set)"
should be. This can cause several problems:
When installing BDE it results in an Exception error in bdeadmin.exe.
When installing the ODBC 3.51 object the ODBC Administrator in control panel does not list
any drivers.
- Workarounds:
- Use the RegDBCreateKeyValueEx() function instead.
Here is a script that removes these unwanted "" entries from a branch in
RegDBCopyKeyEx.zip Written by Asaf Vishna
File size: 1.902 bytes Last update: 11/04/1999
- Status:
- This problem is reproducible in IS6.01.
FIXED in IS 6.10.
- Created: 1999-11-04 Last update: 2000-02-01
Command Line Media Builder Crashes at the End of Build
- Description:
- When you build your media from the command line with ISBUILD.EXE you receive the error
message "ISBUILD caused an invalid page fault in module MFC42.dll". This happens
only if your setup includes objects and only on Windows 95 and 98.
- Workarounds:
- There are a few options:
- The created media are fine, so you can ignore the error message.
- Build your media from IDE instead of command line.
- Run ISBUILD.EXE on Windows NT instead of Windows 9x.
- Status:
- InstallShield confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.03.
FIXED in IS 6.10.
- Created: 1999-12-18 Last update: 2000-02-01
Media Build Fails with Error 132: "The system cannot find the path
- Description:
- ISBuild.exe doesn't work with relative paths that start with a backslash.
This will fail:
ISbuild -p"\MyInst~1\TEST" -m"Default"
This will work:
ISbuild -p"c:\MyInst~1\TEST" -m"Default"
- Workarounds:
- Include the drive letter in the path.
- Status:
- InstallShield confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.03.
FIXED in IS 6.10.
- Created: 1999-12-10 Last update: 2000-02-01
- Description:
- When running your setup on Windows 98 error messages are displayed that the string table
entries for PRODUCT_KEY, COMPANY_NAME etc. cannot be found. The same setup works without
problems on Windows NT.
- Cause:
- The string table file value.shl that is extracted to the SUPPORTDIR has the read-only
attribute set. This can happen if you get the InstallShield project files from a source
control system.
- Workarounds:
- Be sure that all project files are writeable after grabbing them from the source control
- Status:
- This problem has been reported in the newsgroups for IS 6.01.
FIXED in IS 6.10.
- Created: 1999-11-12 Last update: 2000-02-01
Setup Asking for Disk 2 / Media Builder Does Not Detect Out Of Space Condition
- Description:
- If you are running a setup that was built for diskette media, you are prompted to insert
Disk 2, although setup is running from hard disk where the files are in the Disk 2
- Cause:
- The image that was created for Disk 1 is larger than 1.44 MB, caused by large
uncompressed files on disk 1, like Setup.bmp. The media builder fails to detect this
problem and report an error message, resulting in a corrupt disk image
- Workarounds:
- Verify the size of Disk 1 in Explorer. Reduce the files on disk 1, such as Setup.bmp.
- Status:
- InstallShield confirmed that this is a bug in IS6.01.
FIXED: in IS 6.10 media build will report error 129 if the setup files pane has files that
can not fit on disk 1.
- Created: 1999-10-16 Last update: 2000-02-01
Wrong Version of Oleaut32.dll Installed
- Description:
- After running a setup that includes the DAO 3.5 object you may end up with an older
version of Oleaut32.dll on the target system. This happens if you also install the Jet
3.51 object. (Jet is included behind the scenes depending on what you decide to use for
DAO access.)
- Cause:
- The DAO 3.5 and Jet 3.51 objects include different versions of Oleaut32.dll. If
the file is locked, you end up with two temporary versions that are renamed on
the next reboot, causing the older version to overwrite the newer. Running the setup a
second time solves the problem, because you only get one temporary copy then.
- Workarounds:
- Updating the duplicate files in the objects you are using so they are using the same
versions and the latest releases.
- Status:
- This problem has been reported in the newsgroups for IS 6.01.
The Access 97 object has been updated to include the latest version of Oleaut32.dll. It
can be downloaded from http://support.installshield.com/download/objects.asp.
FIXED: IS 6.10 includes updated objects.
- Created: 1999-11-03 Last update: 2000-02-01
MDAC Object Does Not Install on German Windows
- Description:
- If running a setup that includes the MDAC 2.1 object on a computer with German regional
settings, mdac_typxger1.exe is copied to the target directory, but is not launched to
install the German version of MDAC.
- Workarounds:
- None.
- Status:
- InstallShield confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.03 and the current version of the
MDAC object.
FIXED: IS 6.10 includes updated objects.
- Created: 1999-12-20 Last update: 2000-02-01
MFC Object Requires Unexpected Reboot
- Description:
- Running a setup that includes the MFC 6.0 Runtime object requires a reboot, even if the
target machine already has mfc42.dll and msvcrt.dll from Visual Studio 6.0 SP3 installed.
- Cause:
- Mfc42.dll included in the MFC object has a newer date (07/11/1999) than the one in VS6
SP3 (04/27/1999). The version number is the same (6.0.8447.0) and the files are binary
identical. But with overwrite condition NEWERVERSION/NEWERDATE InstallShield tries to
update the file, which often requires a reboot because it is locked.
- Msvcrt.dll included in the MFC object is a newer version (6.1.8293.0 - probably from
some beta version of Windows 2000) than in VS6 SP3 (6.0.8397.0). Make sure to test your
application with this version.
- Workarounds:
- None.
- Status:
- This is a problem in version 1.0 of the MFC 6.0 Runtime Object.
FIXED: IS 6.10 includes updated objects.
- Created: 1999-12-08 Last update: 2000-02-01
ODBC Administrator Control Panel Doesn't List Drivers
- Description:
- After installing the ODBC 3.51 object your drivers are not listed in the ODBC Admin
control panel applet.
- Cause:
- InstallShield 6 creates additional registry entries.
- Workarounds:
- See article IDE Registry Editor Creates
Undesirable Default Values below.
- Status:
- This problem is has been reported by several users in the newsgroups.
FIXED in IS 6.10.
- Created: 1999-12-10 Last update: 2000-02-01
Project Wizard Error: -11010 When Destination Dialog Box is Unchecked
- Description:
- If you create a new project with the wizard and uncheck the Destination Location dialog
box, the following error message will be displayed:
Error: -11010
Category: Installation Wizard
Summary: Failed to compile default script file
- Workarounds:
- Leave the Destination Location dialog selected and after the Project Wizard finishes
remove the SdAskDestPath section.
- Status:
- InstallShield confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.01.
FIXED in IS 6.10.
- Created: 1999-11-10 Last update: 2000-02-01
Initialization Dialog Box in Wrong Language if -l Command Line Parameter is Used
- Description:
- If you disable the language selection dialog box and use the -l command line parameter
for setup.exe to specify the setup language, the first dialog ("Setup is initializing
the InstallShield wizard...") comes up in the operating system language, not the
selected language.
- Workarounds:
- Enable the language selection dialog box. If you use the -l command line parameter, the
language selection dialog box will not be shown. But enabling it makes sure that the
initialization dialog uses the correct language.
- Status:
- InstallShield confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.03.
FIXED in IS 6.10.
- Created: 1999-12-18 Last update: 2000-02-01
CopyFile Fails When Used With Wildcards
- Description:
- Calling CopyFile with a wildcard expression - e.g CopyFile("foo.*",
"foo.*") - doesn't copy any files. However it works if a single file is
specified with it full name - e.g. CopyFile(foo.dll", "foo.dll").
- Workarounds:
- Use the workaround for XCopyFile with EXCLUDE_SUBDIR.
- Status:
- InstallShield confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.01.
FIXED in IS 6.10.
- Created: 1999-10-22 Last update: 2000-02-01
SetDialogTitle not working for AskText dialog
- Description:
- Calling SetDialogTitle(DLG_ASK_TEXT, szTitle) has no effect.
- Workarounds:
- Use SdShowDlgEdit1 instead or modify the resource for the AskText dialog in _isres.dll.
- Status:
- InstallShield confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.03.
FIXED in IS 6.10.
- Created: 1999-11-26 Last update: 2000-02-01
FileGrep returns OTHER_FAILURE instead of END_OF_FILE
- Description:
- Calling FileGrep with the RESTART flag returns -1 (OTHER_FAILURE) instead of END_OF_FILE
if the search string is not found in the file.
- Workarounds:
- Handle OTHER_FAILURE in the same way as END_OF_FILE.
- Status:
- InstallShield confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.03.
FIXED in IS 6.10.
- Created: 1999-11-23 Last update: 2000-02-01
Dialogs Flash When Clicking "Next" or "Back"
- Description:
- During run time when you click the Next or Back button, the old dialog is removed from
the screen before the new dialog is drawn. This causes a "flash" effect because
the background becomes visible for a split second. It appears that Enable(DIALOGCACHE) is
not working.
- Workarounds:
- None.
- Status:
- This problem is has been reported by several users in the newsgroups and is reproducible
in IS 6.03.
FIXED in IS 6.10.
- Created: 1999-12-15 Last update: 2000-02-01
XCopyFile Not Updating Status Bar
- Description:
- XCopyFile is not updating the status bar (STATUSDLG, STATUSOLD, etc.) even after you
called StatusUpdate(ON, 100).
- Workarounds:
- None.
- Status:
- InstallShield confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.01.
FIXED in IS 6.10.
- Created: 1999-10-21 Last update: 2000-02-01
Error "Setup failed to run installation: 0x80040705" When Calling
- Description:
- If you call StrGetTokens with a blank as delimiter (szDelimiterSet = " ")
setup aborts with the message "Setup failed to run installation: 0x80040705".
- Workarounds:
- Write a script function to loop through the characters in the string and detect the
blanks instead of using StrGetTokens.
- Status:
- InstallShield confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.03.
FIXED in IS 6.10.
- Created: 1999-12-28 Last update: 2000-02-01
Invalid SRCDIR in Setups Launched With DoInstall
- Description:
- If you launch a child setup with DoInstall(), the child will have empty strings in the
system variables SRCDIR and SRCDISK.
- Workarounds:
- Pass the SRCDIR to the child install as command line parameter.
- Status:
- InstallShield confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.03.
FIXED in IS 6.10.
- Created: 2000-01-14 Last update: 2000-02-01
DoInstall Fails to Launch Setup in Silent Mode
- Description:
- If you use DoInstall with the "-s" command line parameter to launch a child
setup in silent mode, it fails with error code -2147213312. However launching the child
setup in normal mode with empty command line string works as expected.
- Workarounds:
- Remove all dialogs and user interface from the child setup, or use LaunchAppAndWait to
run the child setup.
- Status:
- InstallShield confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.03.
FIXED in IS 6.10.
- Created: 2000-01-02 Last update: 2000-02-01
- Description:
- If you select an object as Required Component for another component, it is sometimes
listed twice. Also you can't delete it from the list of required components.
- Workarounds:
- Don't select an object as required component. Instead select its parent component.
- Status:
- InstallShield confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.03.
FIXED in IS 6.10.
- Created: 1999-12-08 Last update: 2000-02-01
RegDBGetKeyValueEx Only Get First String From REGDB_STRING_MULTI
- Description:
- If you call RegDBGetKeyValueEx to retrieve the value of a registry entry of type
REGDB_STRING_MULTI only the first string (up to the first NULL character) will be
- Workarounds:
- Directly call the RegQueryValue WinAPI, as shown in the following sample script:
RegQueryValue.zip From newsgroup installshield.is6.general
File size: 648 bytes Last update: 12/28/1999
- Status:
- InstallShield confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.03.
FIXED in IS 6.10.
- Created: 1999-12-28 Last update: 2000-02-01
Exception Error in BDEAdmin.exe
- Description:
- When installing BDE (without the BDE object) you get an exception error when you run
- Cause:
- InstallShield 6 creates additional registry entries.
- Workarounds:
- See article IDE Registry Editor Creates
Undesirable Default Values below.
- Status:
- This problem is has been reported for IS 6.01.
FIXED in IS 6.10.
- Created: 1999-12-10 Last update: 2000-02-01
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