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Bugs Bulletin

[ MSI Engine | MSMs | InstallShield 12 and newer | InstallShield 11.5 | DevStudio 9.0 | IS Dev 8.0 | IS Dev 7.0 | IPWI 2.0 | ISWI 1.x | IS Pro 7.x | IS Pro 6.x | IS Pro 5.x ]

[ IS 6.3 | IPSE 6.2 | IS 6.1 | IS 6.0 ]

InstallShield Professional - Standard Edition 6.2

Last version: 6.22 + Engine Hotfix of January 4, 2001. Superseded by version 6.30.
Released: October 20, 2000
Download: Maintenance pack 2 for InstallShield Professional Standard Edition 6.2 can be downloaded from
Release Notes: A list of fixed bugs and open issues can be found at
Engine Hotfix: The latest version of iKernel.exe is available from Knowledge Base article Q105097.

Known Problems in IPSE 6.22

Problems that also apply to newer releases of InstallShield Professional are not listed here.

DialogSetInfo Requires Full Path to Bitmap

In a call to DialogSetInfo with DLG_INFO_ALTIMAGE you must provide the full path to the bitmap file, even if it resides in SUPPORTDIR. According to the help file: "If the filename is unqualified (that is, if it does not include a drive designation and path), InstallShield searches for the bitmap in SUPPORTDIR".
Specify the full path to the bitmap, e.g. SUPPORTDIR ^ "bitmap.bmp".
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.22.
FIXED in InstallShield Developer 7.0 and IS 6.31
Created: 2000-08-03   Last update: 2001-09-13   InstallShield Tracking Number:1-3NVWG

Renamed Setup.exe Fails to Start After Reboot

IS6 help files indicate that "once you have built your setup, you can rename Setup.exe to any valid filename, such as Install.exe." However, if you rename the file, it fails to restart if your setup requires a reboot.
Do not rename setup.exe.
This problem was documentedin InstallShield's knowledge base article Q103871 (no longer available). The help files have not yet been updated. InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.22.
FIXED in 6.31 (the documentation has been updated)
Created: 2000-02-12   Last update: 2001-09-13   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-3W4BI

DoInstall Returns Wrong Error Codes

DoInstall returns -2147024893 ("The system cannot find the path specified.") or -2147024894 ("The system cannot find the file specified.") when called with a path or .inx file name that does not exist. According to documentation it should return -2 in these cases. So either DoInstall or the documentations needs to be fixed.
InstallShield confirmed that this is a problem in IS 6.22. It is also reproducible in IS 6.10.
FIXED in InstallShield Developer 7.0 and IS 6.31 (documentation has been updated)
Created: 2000-02-21    Last update: 2001-09-13   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-3W4B2

Debugger Doesn't Step Through Code on Remote Machine

If you follow the steps in knowledge base article Q104379 to debug your setup on a machine that doesn't have the InstallShield IDE installed, you may experience the following behaviour: The debugger starts and highlights the first line of source code as expected, but setup is not halted - it continues to the Welcome dialog. If you set a breakpoint, the debugger responds when the setup has reached that stage, but the setup carries on beyond the breakpoint without ever stopping.
This happens on Windows 95 Retail and OSR2, with Comctl32.dll version 4.70. It does not happen on Windows 9x with Comctl32.dll versions 4.71.3611.1900 and above or on Windows NT.
Install the 401comupd.exe to update Comctl32.dll.
This problem has been reported for IS 6.10.
FIXED in 6.30.
Created: 2000-03-08    Last update: 2001-09-13   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-3ZIDE

Clicking the Install Button in an OCI May Cause Error Messages

The default.htm produced by InstallShield 6 one-click installation displays the 'install' button even before the InstallShield player gets installed. Users usually click on it and get error messages.
Modify the HTML code of the default page. Use as a sample.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.22.
FIXED in 6.31.
Created: 2001-03-29   Last update: 2001-09-13   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-662UN

Blank Bitmap on SdWelcome Dialog with Windows 95 Style

After calling DialogSetInfo( DLG_ALT_IMAGE, ...) to replace the bitmap on the left side of the SdWelcome dialog sometimes caused this bitmap to disappear completely. This only happens if the project includes and InstallShield object. DialogSetInfo works for all other dialogs except SdWelcome as expected.
Create a custom dialog in _isuser.dll.
InstallShield confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.2.
FIXED in 6.31.
Created: 2000-06-27    Last update: 2001-09-13   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-5O2QA

IS6 Evaluation Version Not Working on Multi-Processor Machines

You can install IS6 Evaluation Version on a system with multiple processors, but when you try to launch the IDE it fails with an error message.
The Evaluation Version uses time lock software that doesn't support multiprocessor platforms. The full version doesn't have this limitation.
Replace the HAL driver with the single processor one, or contact for an arrangement.
InstallShield confirmed that this is a problem with the time locking part of the evaluation version in IS 6.0 and 6.10.  They are unable to reproduce it with IS 6.3.
Created: 1999-10-19    Last update: 2001-09-13   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-3ZIDY

Setup Player Dialogs Are Not Localized

The dialog boxes in a One Click Install are displayed in English, even though you told InstallShield 6 to build the setup in another language.
The dialogs displayed by the Setup Player are not localized.
If you run that setup using legacy mode (ether.LegacyMode = true) more but not all of the dialogs will be in the specified language.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a problem in IS 6.22.
FIXED in IPSE 6.31.
Created: 2001-03-29    Last update: 2001-09-08   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-30EOO

Setups Create Strange Directories Under Documents and Settings Path

InstallShield creates strange temporary directories if the TEMP environment path includes periods. This mainly occurs on Windows 2000 with account names in the form "firstname.lastname". The temporary directories for those users become:
    "C:\Documents and Settings\firstname.last name\local settings\temp"
and the like, with shortnames such as:
A self extracting .exe then creates the directories:
    "C:\Documents and Settings\FIRSTN~1~LAS\LOCALS~1\temp"
    "C:\Documents and Settings\FIRSTN~1~LAS\LOCALS~1"
    "C:\Documents and Settings\FIRSTN~1~LAS"
These directories are not removed after setup is completed.
If the path of the Windows temporary files directory contains a directory name with a "." in it, then any installation packaged as a self extracting .exe will create new directories for a misnamed path, one with the "." replaced with a "~".
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.22, and it's probably not fixed in 6.30. The same happens if you create the self extracting package with PackageForTheWeb (reported for version 2.1).
FIXED in IPSE 6.31.
Created: 2001-05-05    Last update: 2001-09-08   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-4ROXC

NT Service Object Always Removes Service at Uninstall

The NT Service Object has a check box "Delete Service During Uninstallation". However the service is always deleted during uninstall, even if the check box is cleared.
Instead of the NT Service Object use the scripts that can be found here on InstallSite under Starting, Stopping and Deleting NT Services.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.22.
FIXED in IPSE 6.31.
Created: 2001-04-07    Last update: 2001-09-08   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-559QF

Self Registration Error on Uninstall with DAO 3.5 Object

Uninstalling a setup that uses the DAO 3.5 Object causes the following error message:
One or more files did not properly self-register. Following files did not self register:
1. C:\Pro....DAO\Dao2525.tlb
Error accessing the OLE registry.
This only happens if you opt to remove shared files that are no longer needed (reference count is 0) during uninstall for the DAO files.
Modify the OnRemovingSharedFile event handler so that the dao2535.tlb file is left on the target machine and not uninstalled, as shown here:
function OnRemovingSharedFile(File)
NUMBER nStartPos;
    nStartPos = StrFind ( File , "dao2535.tlb" );
    if nStartPos > 0 then
        return ERR_NO;
        return SdExceptions(SHARED, File);

You may want to unregister and delete this file in the OnMoved event handler.
Or use the DAO 3.6 object (if possible).
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in version 1.22 of the DAO 3.5 object that ships with IS 6.22.
FIXED in IPSE 6.31.
Created: 2001-01-13    Last update: 2001-09-08   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-43SZP

VXDs Don't Get Updated if Media was Built on Windows NT

If you build your setup on Windows NT, the media build wizard will not extract version information from .VXD and .386 device drivers. As a result, these files won't get updated on a Windows 9x target system, because "any version" in the existing file is considered to be newer than "no version" stored in the CAB for the file you are installing.
The version WinAPI implementation on Windows NT cannot extract version info from .VXD and .386 files. There is a workaround as documented in Microsoft's knowledge base article Q201685.
Install the files to a temporary location, und use InstallShield's version functions to compare file versions. Or create a list of versions of the files in your setup manually, and select the components accoring to a version compare during runtime.
InstallShield confirmed that this is a problem in all versions of IS 6.x. It affects all previous versions and InstallShield for Windows Installer as well.
Partial fix: IS 6.30 can extract version information from .VXD files, but not from .386 and .PDR files.
FIXED in IPSE 6.31.
Created: 2000-05-31    Last update: 2001-09-08   InstallShield Tracking Numbers: 1-17XGX (vxd) & 1-642BB (other file types)

SELECTED_LANGUAGE Not Retained After Reboot

Running a multi-language setup, from the "Select Language" select a language other than the project's default language. Setup will store the language ID in SELECTED_LANGUAGE and display the user interface in this language. However, if setup requires a reboot, it uses the default language in OnRebooted.
The -l parameter to select the language from command line is not added to the RunOnce registry entry that InstallShield creates.
Add this code to your OnFirstUIAfter and OnMaintUIAfter event handlers:
// Convert language code to hex format string
Sprintf(szLanguageCode, "%#06lx", SELECTED_LANGUAGE);
// Append language parameter to reboot command line
Reboot.CommandLine = " -l" + szLanguageCode;
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.22 and 6.30. It has also been reported for IS 6.10.
FIXED in IPSE 6.31.
Created: 2000-05-16    Last update: 2001-09-08   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-3O4T2

Large String Tables Might Get Corrupted

If your string table file value.shl grows to a size of more than 32 KB it may get corrupted.
This problem has been reported on the newsgroups.
FIXED in IPSE 6.31.
Created: 2001-04-17    Last update: 2001-09-08   InstallShield Tracking Number:1-TTUX

PlayMMedia Causes Error 0x80004005

Calling the PlayMMedia function to play a .wav file on a system that doesn't have a sound device installed causes setup to terminate with:
Unhandled Exception
Error Number 0x80004005
Description: Unspecified error.
Put PlayMMedia in a try - catch block:
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.x. It is reproducible in IS 6.22.
FIXED in InstallShield Developer 7.0 and in IPSE 6.31.
Created: 2000-08-12    Last update: 2001-09-08   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-Q47U

GetProfStringList Function Doesn't Work for Non-Unique Keys

Using the GetProfStringList() function to read the key names and key values of all entries in a  section in an INI file should return a list of all keys in the listKeyNames parameter, and a list of the corresponding values in the listValues parameter. However the listValues repeats the first value in each entry if the keys are not unique.
GetProfStringList only works for sections with unique keys.
Use FileGrep or ListReadFromFile to examine the contents of INI files with non-unique keys.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.22.
FIXED in IPSE 6.31.
Created: 2001-03-15    Last update: 2001-09-08   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-4USY4

Shortcuts To DOS Programs Not Uninstalled

If your setup creates a shortcut to a DOS program (as opposed to a Windows application) the shortcut is not removed during uninstall. This happened on a project that was converted from IS5.5 and not using the event-based model.
Shortcuts to DOS programs are created as .PIF files, while shortcuts to Windows applications have a .LNK extension. UninstallShield tries to remove the LNK shortcut, even if it was created as PIF.
Create a zero-k file whose name matches the shortcut you wish to create, complete with the .pif extension.  Add it to a file group and set its target location to the desired shortcut location (e.g. "FOLDER_PROGRAMS" ^ @COMPANY_NAME). Attach the file group to an appropriate component (the one which contains the shortcut's target). Remember that, as in 5.x, you must drag the PIF file directly from Explorer.  Merely selecting it from within the InstallShield file browser will copy in the target file itself. Also make sure CreateShellObjects is called after ComponentMoveData.
InstallShield confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.0 and 6.10. It is reproducible in IS 6.22.
FIXED in IPSE 6.31.
Created: 1999-11-03    Last update: 2001-09-08   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-3ZIDQ

SdShowMsg Has a Title Bar in Windows 95 Style

If you followed the steps in the online help for "Display Windows 95-style dialog boxes" you will notice that the SdShowMsg dialog shows a title bar.
Open the Windows 95 style _isres.dll in a resource editor and change the style properties of dialog 12012 from "overlapped" to "popup". (If you are using Microsoft Visual Studio note that you must be running Windows NT to make this modification. Modifying resources in binary files is not supported by Windows 9x).
InstallShield confirmed that this is a problem in IS 6.22. It is also reproducible in IS 6.10.
FIXED in IPSE 6.31.
Created: 2000-02-21    Last update: 2001-09-08   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-3W4B6

File Groups with Destination <SUPPORTDIR> Installed to Subdirectory

A file group with Destination property set to <SUPPORTDIR> should be copied to a directory like C:\Windows\{6a0ebeb0-eba7-11d3-9a79-00c04f281ee2}. Instead they get copied to C:\Windows\{6a0ebeb0-eba7-11d3-9a79-00c04f281ee2}\{6a0ebeb0-eba7-11d3-9a79-00c04f281ee2}, i.e. the project GUID is uses twice. This does not happen for files in the setup files pane, only to file groups with destination SUPPORTDIR.
Set the file groups target to a script-defined folder, and set the value of the script-defined folder in the script. Alternatively you can access these files using SUPPORTDIR ^ PRODUCT_GUID. Probably a better solution would be to place temporary files in the Setup Files pane instead of file groups.
InstallShield confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.22 and 6.30. It is also reproducible in IS 6.10.
FIXED in IPSE 6.31.
Created: 2000-03-10    Last update: 2001-09-08   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-3W4AQ

Close Button on SdStartCopy Not Working

Clicking the close button [x] in the upper right corner of the dialog, selecting Close from the system menu or pressing the ESC key does not close the SdStartCopy dialog, as it does in the other InstallShield dialogs. Clicking the Cancel button works.
There is no pushbutton with ID=2 in the dialog, as there are in most of the other standard dialogs.
Modify the dialog resource in _IsUser.dll to change the ID of the Cancel button to 2.
This problem is reproducible in IS 6.10.
FIXED in InstallShield Developer 7.0 and in IPSE 6.31
Created: 2000-03-16   Last update: 2001-09-08   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-3W4AM

Silent Setup Shows Taskbar Icon

Running a setup in silent mode creates an entry in the task bar. This was not the case in IS5. The problem does not occur on Windows 2000.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.20 - 6.22.
FIXED in IPSE 6.31.
Created: 2000-08-03    Last update: 2001-09-08   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-3NVWP

NT Service Pack 6a Identified as SP3

SYSINFO.WINNT.nServicePack sometimes reports version 3 even though the current service pack is 6a. Only after installing Microsoft's Q246467i hotfix does this problem appear. The other two current public hotfixes do not appear to update the service pack identification in WinVer.
InstallShield is probably looking at the last character in the service pack version string. This work for older service packs, e.g. "Service Pack 4", but fails for SP6a which is "Service Pack 6, RC 1.3".
Use the Detect NT Service Pack script that can be found here on InstallSite. It uses the method suggested by Microsoft to detect the service pack version.
This problem has been reported in the newsgroups and is reproducible in IS 6.22. InstallShield stated that this is caused by a problem in Microsoft's hot fixes, as documented in MSDN knowledge base article Q222507.
FIXED in InstallShield Developer 7.0 and in IPSE 6.31
Created: 2000-08-03    Last update: 2001-09-08   InstallShield Tracking Number:1-3NVWA

Shortcut Not Working if Path Contains Apostrophe

If you call AddFolderIcon to create a shortcut and the patn to the executable (that you pass in the third parameter of the function) contains an apostrophe, the short is not correctly created. Shortcuts created on the Resources pane are not affected by this problem.
AddFolderIcon removes or inserts extra quotes if the szCommandLine string includes an apostrophe.
Use the Resources Pane to create the shortcut, or pass only the exe name (without path) in the third parameter of AddFolderIcon. This should work since the Start In directory (fourth parameter of AddFodlerIcon) is correctly set, even if it includes an apostrophe.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in IPSE 6.1x, 6.2x and 6.30.
FIXED in InstallShield Developer 7.0 and in IPSE 6.31
Created: 2000-10-28    Last update: 2001-09-08   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-3NVVF

Icon Looks Wrong on SdWelcome with Windows 95 Style

The setup icon next to the welcome message on SdWelcome is displayed with a colored background instead of transparent. This happens if you use Windows 95 style dialogs in your setup. The Windows 2000 style dialogs are not affected, nor are other Windows 95 style dialogs that use the same icon.
Use Welcome() instead of SdWelcome().
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.22. It was also reported for 6.0x and 6.1x.
FIXED in IPSE 6.31.
Created: 1999-12-10    Last update: 2001-09-08   InstallShield Tracking Number:1-3NVV6

Setting Reboot Command to Empty String Stops Setup

The following line of code will immediately exit setup, without error message:
Reboot.CommandLine = "";
Do not set Reboot.CommandLine to an empty string.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.22. It also exists in IS 6.10.
FIXED in 6.30.
Created: 2000-05-26   Last update: 2001-05-05   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-3O4TR

OnRebooted Not Called in Child Setup Launched with DoInstall

If you launch a child install using DoInstall, the OnRebooted event handler of the child setup will not be called after your setup has performed a reboot.
FIXED by engine hotfix of January 4, 2001. See InstallShield Knowledge Base article Q105122.
Created: 2001-01-13

Files not Self Registered in Child Setup Launched with DoInstall

If you launch a child install using DoInstall, any files marked as self registering in the child setup will not be registered after your setup has performed a reboot.
FIXED by engine hotfix of January 4, 2001. See InstallShield Knowledge Base article Q105122.
Created: 2001-01-13

Project Icons Unsorted

When you open the IDE you see a window with icons for all your setup projects. Normally these icons are sorted alphabetically. However on machines running Windows 2000 the icons are unsorted.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.22. This problem is also reproducible in 6.10.
Does not apply to 6.30 because that view no longer exists.
Created: 2000-02-12   Last update: 2001-05-05   InstallShield Tracking Number: n/a

File Groups Pane Show Wrong Subfolder Names

In the file groups pane create a folder and a sub folder under it (by right clicking the right pane and selecting New Folder). Rename that second level sub folder. The tree view in the left pane still shows the original folder name. This does not happen for first level folders, and also does not happen if you right click in the tree view to create a new folder.
Rename the folder in the tree view.
Close and re-open the project to update the tree view if you renamed a sub-folder in the right pane.
This problem is reproducible in IS 6.10.
FIXED in 6.30.
Created: 2000-03-22    Last update: 2001-05-05   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-2TNCT

Sprintf Does Not Correctly Interpret Literal Characters

If you specify a literal character in the argument list of an Sprintf call, the string will be corrupted. Example:
Sprintf(szMsg1, "This is %c test.", 'a');
Use a STRING literal:
Sprintf(szMsg1, "This is %s test.", "a");
InstallShield confirmed that this is a problem in IS 6.10 and 6.20.
FIXED in 6.30.
Created: 2000-04-01    Last update: 2001-05-05   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-3VV96

"Catastrophic Failure" in Procedural Script

Create a setup with a procedural script, i.e. a setup.rul that uses the program and endprgrom keywords and is not event based. Run the setup and press the F1 key. Setup will abort with message "Catastrophic failure".
F1 is used to invoke Help. IS6 does not define a default help handler, and a procedural script does not call the OnHelp event.
Call the Handler function to install a dummy help handler.
InstallShield confirmed that this is a problem in IS 6.10 and 6.20 - 6.22.
FIXED in 6.30.
Created: 2000-04-06    Last update: 2001-05-05   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-3O843

SetFileInfo Doesn't Set a Folder's "Hidden" Attribute

Calling SetFileInfo(szDirectory, FILE_ATTRIBUTE, FILE_ATTR_HIDDEN, ""); returns -1. In IS5 it made the folder hidden.
Call the following WinAPI (you must include winapi.h in your setup.rul):
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.22. It has also been reported for IS 6.10.
FIXED in 6.30.
Created: 2000-04-15    Last update: 2001-05-05   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-3O83X

StrGetTokens Sometimes Misses a Token

Calling StrGetTokens with a blank as delimiter set misses the last token if it is only one character. Example:
szString = "a b c";
StrGetTokens(listID, szString, " ");

will populate listID with two entries: "a" and "b".
If possible, use another delimiter, e.g. "a,b,c".
Or append a blank to the end of the string: "a b c ". Note: Accoring to the latest help file, "if the last character of the string matches a character in szDelimiterSet, a null string ("") will be inserted as the last element of the list.". During my tests I found that this information is not true. I don't know if that's a documentation error or another bug in StrGetTokens.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.22. It has also been reported for IS 6.10.
FIXED in 6.30.
Created: 2000-04-20    Last update: 2001-05-05   InstallShield Tracking Numbers: 1-3O4V3 and 1-4O4UU

ReplaceProfString Doesn't Add Value if Original Value Doesn't Exist

According to documentation, ReplaceProfString searches for a szKeyName = szOrigValue, and replaces the line. If it is not found, it adds the szKeyName = szReplaceValue line to the beginning of the szSectionName section. However the latter doesn't work: if szOrigValue does not exist in the INI file, it is not added.
Use FileGrep to find out whether szOrigValue exists. If not, call AddProfString instead of ReplaceProfString.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.22. It has also been reported for IS 6.10.
FIXED in 6.30.
Created: 2000-04-29    Last update: 2001-05-05   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-3O4UG

Wrong InstallShield Version Number in About Box

Opening InstallShield's About box from the Help menu in the IDE shows version "6.0" although you have version 6.2. This happens if you are running InstallShield from a user account on Windows 2000 (and probably also on NT4).
Log in as Administrator before running the InstallShield IDE.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.20. Note that system requirements state that you must have administrator rights to run the InstallShield IDE.
FIXED in 6.30, administrator rights are no longer required.
Created: 2000-07-12    Last update: 2001-05-05   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-3O4SI

Wrong Heading for Dynamic File Groups Window in IDE

If you view the contents of a file group with "dynamic link" type, the caption bar of the file list window says "Static File Links" instead of "Dynamic File Links".
You can ignore the wrong heading. Your dynamic file groups will work correctly.
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.22. It is also reproducible in IS 5.5 and 6.1.
FIXED in 6.30.
Created: 2000-11-04    Last update: 2001-05-05   InstallShield Tracking Number:1-3AW3G

SelectDirEx Returns Printer Name Without Path

Calling SelectDirEx with BIF_BROWSEFORPRINTER to browse for a printer in the network will only return the printer name, without the UNC path. Sample: instead of "\\Servername\Printername" it only returns "Printername".
A similar problem with file system paths has been fixed in IS 6.22.
This script calls the SHBrowseForFolder WinAPI function directly. It forces the browse command to start from the network level instead of at the "My Desktop" level, which is default for the SelectFolderEx/SHBrowseForFolder calls. It will return a value of svPrinterPath.
ZIP   Written by Benny Nabours
File size: 1.321 bytes   Last update: 2000-12-23
InstallShield has confirmed that this is a bug in IS 6.22.
FIXED in 6.30.
Created: 2000-12-08   Last update: 2001-05-05   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-3VV8Q

SdAskOptions Ignores Display Name and Visibility Flag

You can assign display names to components, in order to localize the name (using the string table) or to use characters that are not allowed in a component name (like slashes). However the SdAskOptions dialog doesn't use the display name and always shows the component name. In case of sub components, it shows the component in a path like notation, e.g. "Parent Component\Sub Component 1".
SdAskOptions also ignores the Visible property of the component, and shows components that should be invisible.
Use SdAskOptionsList instead.
InstallShield has confirmed that not using the display name is a bug in IS 6.22. Using the visibility flag has been entered as feature request.
FIXED in 6.30 - both display name and visibility flag are used.
Created: 2000-12-23   Last update: 2001-05-05   InstallShield Tracking Number: 1-3YLQE



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